Guitarmaker Issue 42

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Learning Lutherie: Students and Teachers in the Workshop
Mandolin Orchestra in cap and gown
Hanging out Your Shingle as a Luthier, or, Luthier, Defined
Ervin Somogyi
Somogyi defines a luthier as someone who builds an entire instrument by himself. The author excludes teamwork (factory work), but allows for several different models of cooperation. He finishes with a list of essential skills/knowledge for one to call himself a luthier.
Becoming a Luthier
Jamon Zeiler
The author and his wife quit their jobs, sold their house, and went to luthiery school. Zeiller has been enjoing life as a luthier for eight years. With 2 photos and 1 drawing.
business; school
Custom Pearl School of Inlay
Sandra Burkholder
Burkholder attends Dave Nichols' 5-day inlay course. She describes each day in detail. With 24 photos.
inlay; school
Guitarmaking: From Zero to One
Kenny Hil
The best way to learn a subject is to teach it. Hill finds teaching also to be a satisfying calling in its own right. Hill has taught in prisons and at the American School of Luthiery. Each venue had its own benefits. With 10 photos.
Apprenticeships, Part II
Ervin Somogyi
In this installment, Somogyi describes the day-to-day interaction he experiences with his apprentices.
business; apprentice
Guitar Destiny
Keith Amos
At 37, Amos trained for a new career in lutherie by attending Bryan Galloup's School of Lutherie. With 5 photos.
A Tale of an Aspiring Luthier
Sam Guidry
Guidry realized that his desire to be a professional musician was a pipe dream, but needed a career in music. He enrolled in a two-month course at Bryan Galloup's School of Lutherie. After the class, he became an apprentice at Galloup Guitars, then a full-fledged employee. With 5 photos.
school; apprentice
Symposium 2001 & 2nd Annual Guitarmaker's Festival: Information & Registration
Rick Davis
Description of events and registration form for the upcoming Symposium 2001 and the 2nd Annual Guitarmaker Festival.
symposium; event
Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery
William Eaton
History of this long-running successful school including philosophy and the people who have made important contributions Descibes the curriculum and teaching methodology. With 25 photos.
Guitarmaking at Roberto-Venn
Brian Goode
Goode describes wat the student learns during the steel string class. With 8 photos.
Blending the Old and New: The Networked Apprentice
Zach Taylor
People learn to make guitars in many ways. With limited funds, Taylor started with a Martin kit and books. After completing two guitars, he became a short-term apprentice with George Morris. So far he has completed five guitars. With 2 photos.
Custom Guitars: A Complete Guide to Contemporary Handcrafted Guitars
Mike Longworth
Longworth approves, but too many builders are missing. He says, "do it again, and again, and again." With 1 photo.
book; review
CAD for Lutherie: An Introduction
R.M. Motolla
Entry-level discussion of two dimesionsl (2D) computer-aided design (CAD) including terms and definitions, how to use CAD for luthiery tasks, and some tips about choosing software. Gives a detailed example of laying out a fretboard. With 14 drawings.
Adventures in CAD
Mark Hickler
Hickler used Delta CAD Pro 4.0 to improve the quality of his banjos. He later switched to QuickCad for more capability. With 6 drawings.
CAD; banjo
Interview with Tom Ellis
Mark Hickler
Hickler interviews Tom Ellis of Precision Pearl Inlay. Ellis discussed his history in luthiery, how he got started in inlay, and the process for computer numerically controlled (CNC) inlay. Ellis says DesignCad draws beautiful curves better than other CAD programs he's tried.
CAD; CNC; inlay; interview
Replacing a Grammer Neck
Neil Harrel
When presented with a Grammer with a two-piece neck, this repairman tackles building his first neck from scratch With 8 photos.
Music, Business, and the Law
Sylvan Wells
Wells, a lawer as well as a luthier, discusses trademark and copyright issues.
business; law
Obituary: Scott Chinery
Obituary for renound guitar collector and luthier benefactor.