Guitarmaker Issue 35

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Refretting the Acoustic Guitar
Andrew de Lorey
Cover photo of Frank Ford stringing an acoustic guitar.
Sheldon Schwartz, Bernie Lehmann, Michael Allain, Pete Barry, Norbert Crespo, Frank Hedl, Brad Higgins, Bill Hollenbeck
Schwartz shares three photos of his guitar "Bathing Beauty" that was displayed at the '97 symposium. Lehmann shares his appreciation for the symposium. Allain thanks David Berkowitz for establishing the James Rickard scholarship. Barry, Crespo, Heidl, and Hollenbeck share their thoughts on Guitarmaker and the symposium (with 2 photos from the symposium). Higgins gives a brief autobiography, mentions his patentend b-string bender and shares 2 photos of his acoustic guitar with a neck joined at the 17th fret.
inlay; symposium; Guitarmaker; biography
New Members
James Mapson, Andy Barth, Doug Somervell, Tony Graziano
New ASIA members share their bios and photos of their work. With 10 photos.
Member's Spotlight
Herbie van der Sant, Takahiro Shimo
van der Sant gives his bio and shows some of his favorte jigs. With 11 photos. Shimo gives hid bio and 3 photos of his instruments.
biography; tools, jig; tools, shop-built
But Does It Come with a Hardshell Case?
Larry Bernard
Scientists at Cornell University create the worlds smallest guitar (10 micrometers long). See photo in Guitarmaker 48.
Ervin Somogyi, Michael Dresdner
Somogyi rails against Dresdner's talk at the symposium (printed in Guitarmaker 34), and Dresdner responds. The debate revolved loosely around quality versus efficiency.
process; symposium; business
Situation Wanted
Danche Ivanovic, Pavel Bures
Two builders look for work in the U.S. Where are they now?
Fretting about Time
Frank Ford
Ford believes strongly in keeping track of your time. He illustrates this by detailing the the steps he takes in refretting a guitar. Along the way he tells how to make some of your own tools. He also talks about how he uses a computer to track his time and why. With 48 photos.
repair; business; fret; process
Shop-made Rosettes
Pete Barthell
Barthell uses a couple clever jigs to create classical guitar rosettes. He details the steps to glue up the rings, design and create the moasic logs, and then glue up the assembly on the soundboard. With 13 Photos.
rosette; tools, jig
A Symposium '97 Photo Essay
Brian Pickell, Jim Kreuger, Denis Scannel, Bill Holenbeck
18 captioned photos and a list of presenters from the 1997 symposium.
Shop Tooling
Bob Taylor
Taylor shows how to make a flycutter for cutting rosette channels and soundholes. With 8 photos.
tools, shop-made; rosette
Running the Busininess - Marketing 101
Cathy Currier
Getting the word our and building a good reputation. With 1 photo.
In the Beginning - Nuts!
Joe Pickerelli
Replacing a nut. With 4 photos.
repair; setup
Sound Advice - A Class Act
Michael Dresdner
Dresdner recounts some of the horror stories from a guitar repair course he taught. Scarier than Steven king, but some with happy endings.
shool; humor
The Luthier's Workbench - Converting a Gibson Roy Smeck Stage Deluxe, part III
Bryan Galloup
Final installment on converting a Gibson Smeck Stage Deluxe from lap guitar to a standard flattop. Covers adding frets and reshaping the bridge. Includes cost estimate. With 9 photos
repair; Gibson; guitar, Hawaiin; fret; bridge; business
Kerry Char's Reso-mando-cello
4 photos of Char's resophonic mando-cello