Guitarmaker Issue 20

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Dan Hoffman's Kneeside Oneida Guitar
Northlight Photographic Studios
Cover photo of the Kneeside Oneida's guitar. Its compound bent sides allows the guitar to sit comfortably on the knee.
guitar, steel-string, ergonomic
Laurens Morik, Robert McFee, Ron Long, John Knecht, Grit Laskin
Readers seek info on Duolian guitars, H. Derazey violins, and Asian instruments in general. Ron Long expresses surprise at seeing his article published in Guitarmaker. Grit Laskin points out requirements for luthiers who wish to use his copyrighted "Laskin Rest." John Knecht talks a little about "Big Creek Woods" and makes a donation to the A.S.I.A. auction.
law; violin; guitar, resonator; tonewood
Member Spotlight
Greg Deering, Robert C. Hartman, Harry Fleishman, Pierre Fillet, John Monteleone, Ric McCurdy, Ernst Pozar
Each author talks briefly about his luthiery. With 6 photos (1 from each author, but John Monteleone's is on the back cover).
Accurate Area Codes!
Matt Groening
Bart Simpson back at the blackboard: "I will try to pay more attention to keeping area codes straight." In Guitarmaker 19 David Reeman's area code was wrong. 1 sketch.
New Products: Gilbert Tuning Machines
John Gilbert
In-depth discussion of Gilbert tuning machines. With 2 photos and 3 drawings.
tuning machine
Ken Donnell
Ceasar Venturi passes away. Donnell Enterprises shares its NAMM booth with A.S.I.A. Yairi introduces guitars with the Moses composite bridge. Veritas announces two new scraper bunishers.
obituary; NAMM; event; bridge; tools, hand
In Loving Memory of Mario Maccaferri 1900-1993
Obituary for Mario Maccaferri. With 1 photo.
Maccaferri, Mario
Luthiers Down Under: An Extended Journey
Carl Kaufmann
The author waltzes Matilda across Australia visiting with many fine luthiers (Ray Mercer, Peter Stephen, Stephen Kearney, Ian Noyce, John McGrath, Stephen Gilchrist, Gary Rizzolo, Gabriel Ochoteco, Greg Smallman, Des Anthony). Great insight into guitar making down under. With 19 photos.
Review Erlewine's trip in issue 40, maybe use same keywords
The Cuatro Project
William Cumpiano
Cumpiano, on his way to writing a comprehensive treatise on Puerto Rican string instruments wrrites here about the origin, history, and construction of the cuatro, the most beloved stringed instrument of Puerto Rico. With XXX photos?
Guitarmaker's Photo Gallery
Carl Kaufmann
Seven photos related to Carl Kaufmann's Australian trip on page 18. One photo of Bernd Krause's dulcimer he donated to A.S.I.A. (mentioned in "Member Spotlight" of issue 18).
Review Erlewine's trip in issue 40, maybe use same keywords
Woods Down Under
Carl Kaufmann
A rundown on native Australian tonewoods. With 2 photos and 1 illustration.
Martin Forgeries
Martin Longwirth
An argument against forgery: more people are becoming knowledgeable, and forgers are going to get caught. Explains why Martin Guitar won't certify the authenicity of an instrument.
Job Opportunities
Dana Bourgeois and Moses, Inc were looking for you, but it is too late now. Patrick Howard, Robin Graning, and Todd Eischeid were looking for a job or an apprenticeship. Matthew Piccirell offers his services as a guitarist to demonstrate guitar makers at shows.
Classified & Free Ads
Sam Powrite requests plans for a Maccaferri-style guitar.
Maccaferri, Mario
Book Review: Ferrington Guitars
Grit Laskin
Laskin describes this splashy book and CD combo as a $50 catalog for a craftsman of lesser abilities. With 1 photo.
book; review
The Lighter Side
Look for the "Guitar Nebula" in outer space, and check your fret-leveling file for flatness. Ken Watkins seeks someone to build him a custom Strat-style guitar.
John Monteleone's Radio City archtop guitar
Art deco inspired archtop.
guitar, archtop
Inlaid banjo resonator by Marth Lanham
A swallow tail kite (a bird) with snake inlaid into burled elm.
banjo; inlay