Guitarmaker Issue 83

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Front Cover
Bruce Petros
Bruce Petros’ original design parlor guitar played by Macyn Taylor in period dress.
guitar, parlor
From the Director
Alton Acker
Bear mentions his love for the set of Martin Guitar books by Richard Johnston, Dick Boak, and Mike Longworth, as well as Ron Hock’s book “The Perfect Edge.” After an invitation to attend Symposium 2013, he discusses his switch to hot hide glue. With 1 Photo.
The Petros Parlor Guitar
Bruce Petros
Petros starts with a brief history of the parlor guitar then proceeds to discuss the development and making of his very personal design. The article goes into considerable detail and includes 23 photos.
Domestic Woods Make Fine Guitars
Bob and Mary Lou Grammann
Bob Grammann is a devoted user and champion of domestic woods. In this article, he details his creation called the “Rappahannock,” made of (American) sycamore and persimmon. With 4 photos.
The Modular Electric Guitar & Acoustic Compound Tensile Effect
Mark Hendrickson
Hendrickson describes his invention of the modular electric guitar, particularly the ability of his modular neck to excite a resonant body acoustically. This allows the modular guitar to be a true electric or acoustic. With 2 photos.
guitar, acoustic; guitar, electric
Fledgling Luthier
Jack Clark
Clark shares his mehod for preparing the angled end of a headplate veneer. Then he discusses how he was “blown away” by his purchase of a particular carbide-tipped resaw blade. With 8 photos.
tools, power; review; tools, shop-built; tools, jig
Fledgling Luthier Showcase
Jack Clark
Acoustic guitars of Michael Hasty. With 8 photos.
Adjusting a Locking Nut
Nate Clark
Step-by-step procedures for adjusting a locking nut on an Ibanez 7-string. With 13 photos.
guitar, electric; repair
Symposium 2013 Schedule & Information
Alton Acker
Shop Fox Edge Sander
Bob Mizek
Mizek reviews the Shop Fox W717 Edge Sander. He modified it to better suit a luthier’s needs. If you are considering an edge sander, be sure to read this for tips on what to look for. With 6 photos.
review; tools, power
MacRostie Binding Trimmer
Bob Mizek
Mizek believes this binding trimmer jig, sold by Stew-Mac, is a wise investment for accurately preparing binding. With 4 photos.
review; tools, power
Nadine Nichols, Harley Spier, Markus Warner
Nichols asks the whereabouts of two ASIA life members who have moved but didn’t provide a new mailing address. Speir offers up a downed Norway spruce and Warner is looking for a luthier to build an aluminum body guitar in the shape of a bat.