Guitarmaker Issue 73

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Front Cover
Kevin Ryan
Kevin Ryan's impressive jig collection. Originally published in the long out of print issue 34.
tools, jig
From the Director
Alton Acker
Bear reminds us that one false move in the shop could end our building or playing career. He also talks about being prepared to adjust your instruments when playing outdoors, re-issuing Kevin Ryan’s jig article, and reflecting on ”simpler times.” With 1 photo.
Jigs and Fixtures: A Marriage of Art and Ingenuity
Kevin Ryan
Jigmaster Ryan shares some of his philosophy, techniques, and a plethora of his favorite jigs. If you like jigs, don’t miss this articel! Ryan’s article was originally printed in Issue 34, long out of print. With 62 photos, not as crisp as the originals.
tools, jig
Inside Calton Cases
Poul (Jim) Lassen
History, operation, and a shop tour of Calton Cases in Canada. Originally printed in Issue 48. With 15 photos.
factory; case
Fledgling Luthier Visits the Bay Area Ukulele Builders
Jack Clark
Clark visits several Bay Area builders of this diminutive but resergent instrument. With 9 photos.
Fledgling Luthier Showcase
Jack Clark
Clark introduces two fledgling builders: Doug Corbin and Corky Long. With 6 photos.
Never Unplugged
Elliot John Conry
Conry replaces the failing magnets in a Rickenbacker pickup and rewinds it. With 15 photos.
repair; guitar, electric
Suitcase Guitar, Revisited
Ed Mettee
Mettee highlights some of his work on foldable travel guitars. With 4 photos.
guitar, travel