Guitarmaker Issue 104

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Front Cover
Richard LaPlante
LaPlante’s replica of a 1937 Hauser guitar with a french polish finish.
From the Director
Alton Acker
Acker, a charter subscriber of Fine Woodworking is willing to let go of his complete collection of magazines to someone local.
French Polishing Workshop, Part 1
David LaPlante
A transcription of the first half of LaPlante’s lecture at the 2017 symposium. If you are interested in french polishing, you won’t want to miss this and the future part 2. With 6 photos, 5 drawings of “pulls” on a guitar and neck, as well as a separate process sheet that you can tear out.
Splinting a Martin Top Crack
Nate Clark
Clark details the repair of a soundboard with a splint and cleats. With 14 photos.
repair; soundboard
Building a Resonator Guitar: The Process
Gary Dusina
Dusina gets us a long way toward making our own resonator guitar in part 1 of this article. He also provides a website where readers can get individual questions answered. With 44 photos. (Conclusion is in Guitarmaker 105)
guitar, resophonic
Making Guitar Plates
Bill Sterling
After getting new luthiers started with a class or kit from Guitarmaker 103, Sterling starts us on the path of building from scratch. In this installment, it is the soundboard and back. With 9 photos.
soundboard; tonewood