Guitarmaker Issue 99

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Front Cover
Jon Dale
Ukulele soundhole by Jon Dale. See the related article on page 27.
From the Director
Alton Acker
Acker implores us to register for Symposium 2017 and mentions the Northeast Guitar Expo. Acker devotes much of his text to a CITES symposium in Vienna, Austria while updating us on recent CITES rulings.
James Condino's Bass Repair Workshop, Part 2
James Condino
Condino put on a much-appreciated workshop on bass repair at the 2015 symposium. This is part 2 of 2 of the transcript from that workshop. See issue 98 for part 1. With 1 photo.
repair;bass, acoustic
Alan Carruth
From his 2015 Symposium workshop, Carruth goes into detail on card scrapers and and takes a short detour into flint-knapping. But he spends most of the time advocating "hard" scrapers and explaining how to make, sharpen and use them. No pictures but lots of detailed text.
tools, shop-made
Jeff Jewitt's Online Finishing Course "Spray Finishing with Jeff Jewitt"
Alton Acker
Acker reviews Jewitt's course on spray finishing guitars and found it to be a valuable resource, teaching the old dog plenty of new tricks.
Raising the Bar
Tony Nagy
Nagy goes over all the hows and whys of repairing and installing bar frets. With 6 photos.
guitar, acoustic;fret
Saying No for Sanity and Profit
Evan Gluck
Preparing to move his shop, Gluck had to say no to a lot of customers during the transition. Liberated be learning how to say no, here he gives us 6 excellent reasons to say no to some of your clients.
guitar, electric;repair
A Custom Soundhole Rosette Guide
Jon Dale
Dale used a laser cutter to create an acrylic circle cutting jig for his Dremel. It greatly speeded his work and made it easier to do the asymmetric rosettes that he likes. With 4 photos (and the cover shot).
tools, shop-made;tools, jig
One of My Favorite Jigs
Alton Acker
Acker starts by clarifying the difference between a jig and a fixture then shows us his straightforward jig for routing saddle slots in his bridges. With 2 photos.
tools, shop-made;tools, jig